Trekking to Everest Base Camp in October

October trekking to base camp of Mt. Everest
Updated on May 01, 2024

Are you juggling the best time to do the Everest base camp trek? Then, the widely accepted best times for this Everest base camp trek are October and April. The bucket list adventure journey to Everest Base Camp Trek is a must-do for every adventure lover. Choosing the right time and season plays a vital role in a great adventure to the base camp of Mt. Everest. Among all months, October is the best time for this Everest base camp trek. Nepal, the Himalayan Kingdom, has diverse climate variations due to the latitude from almost sea level to the world’s tallest mountain. The lowland Tarai is tropical, the midland hilly regions are temperate, and the high mountains have sub-artic and arctic climatic conditions. Spring and autumn offer the best time for trekking for the best clarity and to view mountain ranges with mild temperatures.

Trekking to Everest Base Camp in Autumn: Weather and Temperature

The Popular trekking months of October and November and the autumn season are ideal times for trekking in Nepal, including the Everest base camp. The Autumn season in Nepal offers mild temperatures with a clear sky and relatively stable weather; thus, it provides a super mountain view and a great trek experience. Though it gets cold in the high mountains at night, the daytime temperature is the most pleasant in autumn. The daytime temperature ranges from 12 to 16 degrees Celsius, so you have a lovely sunny day hike to Everest base camp in October and April. Nighttime temperature can range from 2 to -5 degrees Celsius, which is bearable with warm gear, including a sleeping bag to sleep well at night. Everest base camp trek in October, just after the monsoon and warm sun of the autumn season, the diverse flora and fauna come into life with a lust forest of rhododendrons and oaks added more beauty to it.

Everest Base Camp in October 

This autumn/fall, the month of October and November is the month popular and best time for trekking in Nepal., The Everest base camp trek in October is one of the best to choose from, as it offers a beautiful, compelling view of the Himalayan vista with mild temperatures during the daytime and moderate cold nights. Everest base camp trekking in October has the least humid and less chance of fog and cloud accumulation. There is less likely to be rain or snowfall in October. In Nepal, October is also a festive season; thus, expect wetness in some festivals, including the Dashain festive, while on your Everest base camp trek in October. October is the best time and busy season; expect the popular trekking crowd on the EBC route. Thus, booking of teahouse accommodation is recommended. Of course, you need to book the Lukla flight well on time to get the earlier flight from Kathmandu.

Mountain Monarch EBC Trek and More

Mountain Monarch has been organizing trekking and climbing trips for two decades. We offer fixed and custom departure dates to join the epic journey to the world's top adventure destination, the Everest base camp trek in the legendary Khumbu region of Nepal. Having more time and the desire to explore some of the high passes and less trodden routes, you can check the option to join the Everest Three Pass trek or Everest Circuit Trek in the autumn season.

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Chairman of Mountain Monarch, Adventure Trip Leader, and organiser for over two decades