Trip Grading

Trip Grading

All our Nepal Trekking and Climbing grades from LEISURELY PLUS to STRENUOUS PLUS describe the difference between trips. This trip grading of Nepal Trekking and Himalayan Climbing Tours should be considered a guideline only and is designed to give you an idea of the required participation.

Grade 1- Leisurely Plus

This trip generally involves an average of 4 - 5 hours of slow but steady daily walking. This rating is for less than seven days of walking below 3500 meters. The fitter you are, the more you will enjoy it.

Grade 2 - Moderate

Moderate trekking involves 5 - 6 hours of walking at a steady pace below 4000 meters for around ten days of trekking trip.

Grade 3 - Moderate Plus

This trip grade involves trekking up to 7 hours a day below 5000 meters for a 10 -15-day trip. Any reasonably active person should be able to manage these trips.

Grade 4 - Strenuous

It is among the hardest treks available in Nepal, but these treks are still within reach of most people; however, one must be fit. These trips go above 5000 meters and last 15 - 20 days, with walking up to 8 / 9 hours in a day.

Grade 5 - Strenuous Plus

This trip grading in Nepal includes climbing peaks and demanding treks in remote areas. Participants with a basic knowledge of crampons and ice axe use are appreciated, even though first-time climbers and experienced trekkers can join as we organize the CLIMBING CLINIC COURSE on all our climbing trips.